Sunday, November 15, 2009

description of mausoleum

The mausoleum of Hadrian, also referred to as the castle of saint Angelo, is a cylindrical mausoleum located on the west bank of the Tiber inside of Rome.Its location is very important because everyone could see it when passing through the city.It was built by emperor Hadrian for him and his family throughout the year 135 A.D.nd The building was 50 meters high, and larger than any other building around including the pantheon.The building was used for different functions through time; it was used as a residence at first, a jail at a later stage, and a mausoleum nowadays.After Hadrian's died, he along with his whole family were buried inside the building. After that, all the emperors of Rome were buried there the last being emperor Caracalla.This amazing structure was made out of roman concrete based on a hydraulic-setting cement , huge stones that were carried around by slaves,brick that was covered in whitewashed stucco, ceramic roof, blown glass that was then engraved, and metal work that were used for aesthetic as well as functional usage.

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